關於低血糖負荷飲食治療痤瘡的現有證據是相互矛盾的。(補充表 CLXXIV-CLXXVI,可透過 Mendeley 取得
在一項45 名患者的隨機對照試驗中,第8 週時發現低血糖負荷飲食與高血糖負荷飲食相比,臉部痤瘡評分有更大的降低(相對於基線的MD 變化,-0.3 [-0.39 , -0.21] )。
一項針對 32 名韓國患者的隨機對照試驗顯示,低血糖負荷飲食組在第 12 週時利茲修訂痤瘡評分有所改善,但對照組沒有改善。
在43 名澳洲患者的隨機對照試驗中,12 週時發現低血糖負荷飲食與高血糖負荷飲食相比,總病變計數有更大的減少(相對於基線的MD 變化,-8.1 [-14.89, - 1.31 ])。
然而,在 84 名患者參與的隨機對照試驗中,開始使用 2.5% BP 凝膠的患者添加低血糖飲食並沒有導致痤瘡皮損計數出現顯著差異。
現有證據不足以提出使用低乳製品飲食、低乳清飲食、omega-3 脂肪酸和巧克力治療痤瘡的建議。
Available evidence is conflicting on low-glycemic-load diet for acne treatment. (Supplementary Tables CLXXIV-CLXXVI, available via Mendeley at)
A greater reduction in facial acne score was seen in a low-glycemic-load diet versus a high-glycemic-load diet at 8 weeks in an RCT of 45 patients (MD in change from baseline, −0.3 [−0.39, −0.21]).
One RCT of 32 Korean patients showed improvement in the Leeds Revised Acne score at 12 weeks in a low-glycemic-load diet group, but not in control group.
A greater reduction in total lesion count was seen in a low-glycemic-load diet versus a high-glycemic-load diet at 12 weeks in an RCT of 43 Australian patients (MD in change from baseline, −8.1 [−14.89, −1.31])
However, in an RCT of 84 patients, the addition of a low-glycemic diet in patients starting BP 2.5% gel did not result in significant differences in acne lesion counts.
Available evidence is insufficient to develop a recommendation on the use of low dairy diet, low whey diet, omega-3 fatty acids, and chocolate on acne treatment.